
Faster housing delivery in the Bega Valley

February 16, 2024 5:52 am in by

Housing in the Bega Valley is set to expand thanks to a new housing grant.

The NSW Government will deliver $250,000 to Bega Valley Shire Council, fast-tracking the development of 2,600 new homes.

The funding will support a new Bega Urban Land Release Planning Proposal to unlock more development ready land for current and future housing demand, with the proposal estimated to support up to 2,615 new homes across three new neighbourhoods.

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The grant funding from the NSW Government’s second round of the Regional Housing Strategic Planning Fund comes on top of previous funding for Bega Valley Shire Council of $248,370 for work to coordinate planning and infrastructure requirements for urban residential growth areas in Bega and Wolumla.

This second round of the Regional Housing Strategic Planning Fund will deliver a total of $2.93 million in grants of up to $250,000 to 16 councils from the North Coast to the South, supporting a total of up to 23,769 potential new homes.

Councils will use the funds to accelerate new housing strategies, prepare infrastructure and servicing plans, and amend local environmental plans to bring forward delivery of more diverse and affordable housing supply.

No addtional funding has been announced for the Eurobodalla Shire. For more information on which councils secured funding and their projects, visit the NSW Planning website.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Paul Scully, said it was about empowering councils to undertake vital efforts to speed up housing delivery.

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“It will help deliver the important planning work needed to boost housing supply, affordability, and diversity and support growing regional communities,” Minister Scully said.

“We are focused on better coordinating housing and infrastructure delivery across the state, while making sure regional homes are ready for the hazards of the future.”

Member for Bega, Dr Michael Holland, said it was a game-changer for Bega and will enable the delivery of more homes and a diverse range of options.

“This will bolster the Bega community, create a stronger workforce, and a thriving local economy.”

Images: Bega Valley Shire Council, Dr Michael Holland, Kristy McBain MP

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